Renowned Australian storyteller JON BENNETT tells the amazingly sordid and bizarre story of his brother’s life. A sometimes shocking and chaotic tale, Bennett recounts his brother’s experiences with both charismatic hilarity and heart-warming, poignant reflection.
Fire in the Meth Lab tells of drug dealers, bikers, high-speed car chases, fights, crime, prison, vomit, exploding houses and even cancer. The show explores brotherly relationships and how siblings with the same upbringing can choose very separate paths.
Jon Bennett sets the gold standard in storytelling. This show is powerful, brutally honest, and drenched in the rich humour of pathos. This is unlike any other show you’ll find at the festival. Get your hit of raw and real comedy. This is my pick of the festival so far.” – Heckler (AUS)
“Timeless joy” - Herald Sun (AUS)
“An entrancing hour of compelling stories ★★★★” - Chortle (UK)
“Fire in the Meth Lab is f--ing hilarious!” – Forget the Box (CAN)
“Funny, compelling and surprising, Fire in the Meth Lab will have you laughing one minute and tearing up the next. ★★★★” - CBC (CAN)
Recommended 18+
Tickets $5 more at the door
Wheelchair accessible
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