10:15 - 11:00 AM Ballroom
Collaboration with oneself- between the finding & the creating, Anis Mojgani, Oregon Poet Laureate presenter
11:15 - 12:15 PM
Birkenfeld Theatre: “Carver: Beyond Short Fiction” Michael Mills, presenter
Ballroom: Beating Writier’s Block and Generating New Ideas, K.A. Ralston, presenter
1:30 - 2:30 PM
Ballroom: Beginning Haiku, Estrella Brown, presenter
Birkenfeld Theatre: That Elusive Thing Called “Voice”, Marianne Monson, presenter
2:45 - 3:45 PM
Birkenfeld Theatre: How to Get Published, Joseph Green, presenter
Ballroom: Mini Zines for writers, Dayle Olson, presenter
4:30 PM
Birkenfeld Theatre: Presentation of awards to Youth Poet Winners
5:30 PM
Ballroom: Dinner (reservations required)
Purchase tickets: https://www.clatskaniearts.org/shop/rcwf-dinner
7:00 PM
Ballroom: Presentation of Adult & Haiku Awards & Poetry Jam